5 tips to stop you making this weight loss mistake

Are you an emotional eater who’s been on many diets to watch your diet – but feel like you’ve failed?
Many moons ago I used to put myself on food restricted diets. Yes, that was a mistake ????.
Mum used to diet and so I wanted to be just like her. I would be in competition with myself to see if I could survive a day of under eating.
I would give me a sense of empowerment, and of course, I couldn’t do it. I would end each day exhausted, I’d under perform at school, then over eat, blame myself and feel angry, frustrated and hopeless every night. What a silly game! What a destructive game! I feel stressed just thinking about it. So this is why I am so passionate about helping emotional eaters lose weight for good and teaching them how to stop self destructive dieting habits.
So why do we do diet? Well most people think that dieting is the only way to shift the excess weight they want to lose. It’s what we are taught. The weight loss industry over years has conditioned us to think that to lose weight you food restrict and look for an instant result on the scales.
There is a certain element of truth in this because when you are promised fast weight loss, that is exactly what most people get, but the real dream is to be able to be the person you want to be, and that doesn’t involve 6 months down the line, regaining all the weight you lost plus more just for a few weeks of fast weight loss.
This is the biggest mistake nearly everyone makes when it comes to weight loss. The average dieter spends £25,000 on ‘dieting’ in their lifetime. Yet 90% of the people who do weight loss programmes fail to keep the weight off and the scary thing is they blame themselves for the failure.
Think of the holidays you could take with that money, how many extra wonderful healthy years you could enjoy with the people you love!
Truth: ❌’Traditional” restrictive weight loss methods are not working. Stop doing them ❌.
If you’re an emotional eater who wants to lose weight for good and become your healthiest self. You need to live by these 5 principles:
No. 1: Be the Tortoise and not the Hare – think long term and be consistent.
No. 2: Release the fad dieting mindset – dieting is all based around quick fixes and taking action from a place of fear. Release all negative panicky diet based anxieties.
No. 3: Get to the root cause – Open your heart to the true reason you’re body fat/weight is high. Accept and understand the cause so you can heal with love.
No. 4: Get healthy to lose weight – your body fat will normalise as a result of you taking action to boost your metabolism and re-set your body fat set point.
No. 5: Find what way of eating suits you – there is not a one fits all diet. Your body will respond to a pattern of eating that is meeting your needs.
This will help you shift how you feel about food, weight loss and your body. I know you want to feel comfortable in your clothes and with your food choices. You don’t need to spend your days feeling consumed by thoughts of how do I lose weight.
You can do this! ???? Just like Angela from Kent – UK – who had dieted for 30 years. She released excess weight/body fat in 6 months and kept it off, all from applying what I taught her – all easy – science based strategies to support your body as well as re-training your brain to stop self sabotage emotional eating.
If you want to lose weight for good, and understand your body and food better so you can become who you want to be and release all your fears. Email me on to set up your free call.
Are you ready to feel happy again?
With love ❤️