Chocolate Avocado Smoothie Recipe

My kitchen got into a creative mess this morning and I’ve want to share something I made with you.
Chocolate avocado smoothie – this contains ripe banana, soft green avocado, organic cocoa powder, smooth whole peanut butter (no added sugar or fat), vanilla extract and milk.
This is free from added sugars. Here’s the recipe:
Chocolate avocado smoothie
100g ripe banana
60g avocado
1 tbsp organic cocoa powder
20g smooth peanut butter (I use Whole Earth – no added sugar or palm oil)
1 tsp vanilla extract
200ml milk (I use full fat)
Preparation: Put each ingredient into the blender starting with the banana and blitz until creamy heaven.
***key for this recipe is the banana must be ripe e.g sweet rather than starchy**
This smoothie is high in Magnesium ….178mg to be exact. How does Magnesium help you?
-it energises you
-it calms you
-it’s good for your heart and muscles
Have a go and send me your pics/feedback – I’d love to know how you get on 🙂
Do you feel you eat too much sugar in your diet? If so what you do think about making a change?
With love,
p.s Do you know a friend who has struggles with low energy? Share this smoothie with them 🙂
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