Pause and win

Imagine you’re standing at a cross road.
One road could take you where you want to go. The other away from your dreams.
Imagine it all came down to a decision. Your life being shaped by your decisions. One decision at a time.
A wise wealthy business man once taught me the power of making good decisions.
He said successful people make decisions firmly and don’t suffer with indecision. They change their minds rarely.
Because they respond, they don’t react. They respect how VITAL decision making is for success and they think before the act.
But do you ever find yourself feeling rushed for time and so you make decisions in a hurry without a lot of thought?
I know I have…
Then realise you’ve travelled 100 miles down a road you don’t want to go down.
Your life can change like night and day if you pay attention to this one vital thing:
This works with food choices too!
Action to take:
-respect the time/space you have between your outside world your response, there’s no need to hurry unless you’re a doctor in the ER
-THINK before you respond it will strengthen you
-Don’t REACT it will bring you down
My favourite habit is to have a nice cup of tea to think things over 🙂
Sometimes the simplest things are the most powerful 🙂
What situation do you think applying this technique to would be of GREAT help to you with your eating habits? Leave a comment below.
Tip: if you are struggling with your eating habits, you may want to re-read this and think what situation today can I apply this to?
With love,
p.s: Feel free to share with anyone you think will benefit with the life changing trick 🙂
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Weight Loss/Health Coaching
Simple. Nice tip. You’re right, we often feel rushed so make quick decisions based on position at the time.. We never know what is right or wrong until further along the road and often when we cant turn back, but have to live with them.
Like most things. Its all about time!
Hi Richard,
Yes, and when your mind is calmer you have all the time in the world. Pausing helps us to keep a calm mind and make a good decision 🙂