The missing weight loss link
A few years ago my business coach got me doing some market research in my local area.
I was SO nervous standing around approaching people asking them what they thought about their weight.
But I got some fantastic gold nuggets from them.
Most people think that lack of exercise is the reason their body fat levels are high (in fact my results agree with recent studies).
Most people OVERLOOK the most vital ingredient of successful weight loss and that is WHY so many people struggle to be happy with their body weight.
Here’s the missing weight loss link……it’s…..YOUR inner beliefs about your weight and food!
Yes, exercise is very important, but…..
If you don’t do inner work to address your mindset and how you think about weight and food you can guarantee you’ll never permanently solve the problem.
You’ll go right back to old patterns of self sabotage when life stresses take hold or you come off a programme.
My weight loss coaching starts off entirely focusing on getting a solid foundation where you address your ‘weight loss mindset’.
It transforms your thinking – so your results are transformed over time as you think differently.
You can feel free as it’s all about getting outside the traditional ‘diet’ box.
What connects with you? I’d love to know. Share with me in the comments below.
With healthy wishes,
p.s – Do you have a friend who struggles with food and their weight? If so please share this post with them 🙂
Get forever fat loss – permanent weight loss results
Weight Loss/Health Coaching
Happy New Year to you too.
Weight and food. Now I think I have a problem with eating all the right foods… Just I snack or shall I say graze most of the day with fruit and nuts. Am I over loading… What is the right amount that I should eat?
Hi Richard,
What’s great is you love a wide range of foods, you just have to learn HOW to put food together so that you can achieve the results you desire and this is something you get from seeing a nutritionist who can personally give you a plan of action 🙂
Tailored just for you! Although as a tip, grazing is a good way for anyone who wants to increase body mass.